(Kai Sitter) 29.44Min 2018
Samira who fled from Syria, is known as impatient. She wants to leave her refugee hostel and probably even Munich to rebuild her life and find her place. She simply wants to be in charge of her own life. Why else did she move from the ruins of her native country?
(Werner Fiedler) 30.00Min 2017
Elias is a shy boy who likes to talk to his bird rather than playing with other kids. When he meets the quirky artist Halim, a tender friendship develops between them but Elias’ mother does not approve. The unusual relationship comes to an abrupt end as Halim suddenly has to flee and it seems as though there is nothing Elias can do to help.
But the refugee has left the boy a valuable gift…
(Simonyi) 29.58Min 2016
Back in the late 70’s, somewhere behind the iron curtain, a young boy experiences the gloomy and strict life of a pioneer camp. Galambos, whose name means «pigeon», is a naive teenager, strongly influenced by his father’s fascination for Native Americans. His imaginary world contrasts with the reality of communist everydays. He is waiting for his father to return.
(Engler) 22.21Min 2016
Jo is working as a trainer at the Fitness Company MIND YOUR BODY. His conciousness is slipping into the body of a customer and he is doing their sportsprogram for them. During this session Jo is not allowed to make any contact to the customer’s environment. Otherwise the exchange of conciousness could be disturbed.