Boje mladosti – filmovi Sarajevske zime
počinje u ponedeljak, od 13.00 sati.
Kino sala Prve gimnazije
19 – 22. februar, 13.00-15.00 sati
Dokumentarni filmovi
19. februar, ponedeljak
(Sabiha Kapetanović), EU, 33.39min. 2017.
Dokumentarac je nastao kao odgovor na trenutni položaj neplaćenih stažera u evropskom i drugim međunarodnim organizacijama, a bio je produkt naše borbe za vrijeme boravka u Briselu. EU kao ideja jednakosti i inkluzije postiže suprotan efekt neplaćanjem staža i podstiče klasnu podijeljenost. Kako je ovogodisnja tema “DRUGO LICE SVIJETA – NASLIJEĐE::: BUDUĆNOST”, dokumentarac savršeno odgovara opisu.
Colours of Unpaid Youth is a short documentary about unpaid internships. It is collection of trainees’ stories and their experiences. The main aim was to empower interns to express their emotions, concerns and problems about the issue and by doing so encourage other interns who are facing the same problems. The whole idea was a product of former EPSA, March 2016 (European Parliament Stagiers Association) when the paid interns of the EP started raising their voices about the problem. MEP Terry Reintke (co-chair Youth Intergroup) hosted the premiere of the documentary at the European Parliament on 11 April 2017.
Azra Delmanović, Azra Husarić, Damir Pirić, Tuzla, 60 min. 2016.
Film prati dvije studentice žurnalistike na njihovom istraživačku putu tragom informacije da je novinarska profesija četiri godine za redom proglašena za najgoru profesiju na svijetu, pitajući se zašto građani BiH generalno imaju vrlo loše mišljenje o novinarima i novinarskom pozivu. Kao neko ko se nalazi na važnoj životnoj prekretnici i ima veliku ljubav i ambiciju prema odabranoj profesiji, ove dvije studentice se ne žele pomiriti sa takvim imidžom njihove buduće profesije te se odlučuju da krenu u potragu za odgovorima na pitanja koja okružuju ovu tematiku.
The film follows two journalism students on their research track by tracing information about the journalistic profession has been declared for the worst profession in the world for four years in a row, wondering why BiH citizens generally have a very bad opinion about journalists and a journalist's call. As someone who is on an important life impetus and has great love and ambition towards a chosen profession, these two students do not want to reconcile themselves with such an image of their future profession, and decide to go in search of answers to questions that surround this topic.
20. februar, utorak
(Jasmin Lord Gassmann) 55.00Min 2017
Priča o ličnom putovanju. 24-godišnja žena leti od Njemačke do Sidneja, Australija, da bi portretisala 94-godišnjeg Edija Jakua, koji nakon više od trideset godina tišine govori ljudima o svom iskustvu preživelog holokausta. Dijeljenjem svoje životne priče, pretvara bol prošlosti u radost i sreću i naročito mlađim generacijama predaje kako se sreća može naći, čak i u najtamnijim vremenima.
The story of a personal journey. A 24-year old woman flies from Germany to Sydney, Australia, to portrait the 94-year-old Holocaust survivor Eddie Jaku, who after more than thirty years of silence speaks to people from all walks of life about his experience. By sharing his life story, he transforms the pain of the past into joy and happiness and teaches especially younger generations how happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times.
ЛЮМЬЕРЫ / LUMIERE (doku) english subtitles
Hristina Belousova, Dante Rustav, Uzbekistan, 30 min
Braća Lumiere su otvorili kinematografiju svijetu prije više od stoljeća, a do danas su takođe rođeni novi pioniri koji istražuju to područje.
Brothers Lumiere have opened cinema for the world more than a century ago,but also to this day are born a new pioneers – which are investigating this huge world is cinema.
21. februar, srijeda
(Maximilian Preisig) 15.22Min
Režiser traga za sopstvenom pobunom. Želi avanturu, želi da razbija barijere, da divlja. Ali … kako on može biti pobunjenik ako su njegovi roditelji bili punkeri, koji su sedamdesetih godina bili dio scene, stvarajući pustoš s njihovim bendovima? Kada on i njegovi roditelji odu na putovanje u Italiju, on pokušava naći odgovore u svojoj porodici.
The director is searching for his own rebellion. He wants to have an adventure, break out, go wild. But… how can he be a rebel if his parents were punks, heavily involved in the scene back then, creating havoc with their bands? When he and his parents go on a journey to Italy, he is looking for answers in his own family.
(Maximilian Feldmann) 51.00Min 2016
Sirotinjsko romsko naselje. Desetogodišnja Valentina nas poziva da upoznamo njenu porodicu. Ono što slijedi su bizarne anegdote, sanjarenja i razmišljanja – film živahan kao i njegova lutajuća heroina. “Hoćeš li da pričam priču?”, pita Valentina. Nosi vojne pantalone i trenerku. Njena kosa je divlja sa malom šnalom. Ona nam povjerava zašto se nije rodila kao dječak, kao što je trebalo.
A slum in a Romani neighbourhood. Ten-year-old Valentina invites us to meet her family. What follows are bizarre anecdotes, daydreams and documentary observations – a film as lively as its roaming heroine. “Do you want me to tell a story?“, Valentina asks. She is wearing army pants and a track-suit top. Her hair is wild with a tiny clip. She entrusts us with why she wasn’t born a boy, as it should have been.
(Diana Frankovic) 11.23Min 2016
U zapadnoj kulturi, kada smo u krizi, prirodno je preispitivati postojanje i smisao života. Patimo; želimo da se promijenimo. Istočnjačke filozofije, joga i meditacija su ključ za sreću, ili tako propovijedaju bezbrojne zapadne pristalice ovih istočnjačkih praksi. Budizam je put ka prosvetljenju. Slijedeći ovaj narativ, u Nepalu se srećemo sa mladim tibetskim budističkim monahom Tenzinom, predstavnikom nove generacije koja se bori sa prepoznatljivim pitanjima modernog života.
In Western culture, when we find ourselves in crisis, it's natural to question our existence and the meaning of life. We are suffering; we want to change. Eastern philosophies, yoga and meditation are keys to happiness, or so preach the countless Western adherents of these far Eastern practices. Buddhism is one path to enlightenment. Following this path to Nepal we meet the young Tibetan buddhist monk, Tenzin, representative of a new generation, who is grappling with recognisable questions of modern life.
22. februar, četvrtak
(Leitzke Lamoth) 64.34Min 2016
Život umjetnika težak je u bučnom sudanskom glavnom gradu Kartumu, posebno za ženu. Unutar sigurnih granica programa međukulturalne razmjene, učesnici razvijaju koncepte za prevazilaženje arhaičnih normi društva. Film o moći kreativnog izražavanja čiji je cilj podstaći emancipaciju i društvene promjene.
Life as an artist is tough in Sudans buzzing capital Khartoum, esp. for women. Inside the safe boundaries of an intercultural exchange program, the participants develop concepts to overcome the archaic norms of society. A film about the power of creative expression that aims to serve as a peaceful catalyst for emancipation & social change.
(Robert Schulzmann) 34.31Min 2017
Rusko-jevrejski imigrant traži svoje njemačke korijene i čudi se zašto njegova porodica proslavlja Božić sa ukradenim božićnim stabom. Autobiografsko pretraživanje duše kroz prigradsku Nemačku.
A Russian-Jewish immigrant is searching for his Germaneness and wonders about why his family is celebrating Christmas with a stolen Christmas tree. An autobiographical soul-searching through suburban Germany.