Exhibition: The History Of The Future
The human technology advances but human's consciousness cannot keep up with its speed of development. This is why the majority of inventions are used wrongly, either consciously or unconsciously. So, our planet suffers more and more due to our rejected plastics, carbon emission, wars, massive monstrous meat industry and Big Pharma and banksters dictatorships. We are also threatened with self-destruction by some future world war or justbecoming useless and inapplicable when we allow Artificial Intelligence to take over all the jobs in very foreseeable future.
At one point in time, our descendants, when the life on this beautiful planet of ours becomes unbearable and irretrievably changes for worst, will use the time travel technology to return 100,000 years back when everything was still clean and innocent.
So, one day in the past, they will create Nazca Lines in Peru, underwater cities near Okinawa, Baalbek in Lebanon and pyramids in Egypt, Bosnia, China, Mexico, Indonesia and Mauritius.
Ancient civilizations from the far past, whom we still did not match either technologically nor spiritually, are not our predecessors but our successors.
I hope that in the next cycle we will be smarter.
Tehnologija napreduje, ali svest čovečanstva ne može da prati brzinu ovog razvoja. Zato se većina novih izuma koristi u pogrešne svrhe, svesno i nesvesno, te naša planeta sve više pati zbog odbačene plastike, emisije ugljenika, masovne monstruozne mesne industrije, te farmaceutskih i bankarskih diktatura. Preti nam i samouništenje u nekom budućem svetskom ratu ili ćemo jednostavno postati beskorisni i neupotrebljivi kada dozvolimo veštačkoj inteligenciji da preuzme sve poslove u nekoj vrlo doglednoj budućnosti.
U jednom trenutku će naši potomci, kada život na ovoj divnoj plavoj planeti postane nesnosan i nepovratno promenjen na gore, iskoristiti tehnologiju putovanja kroz vreme da se vrate 100,000 godina unazad, kada je sve još uvek bilo čisto i nevino.
Tako će jednog dana u prošlosti nastati i Naska Linije u Peruu, podvodni gradovi kod Okinave, Baalbek u Libanu i piramide u Egiptu, Bosni, Kini, Meksiku, Indoneziji i Mauricijusu.
Drevne civilizacije iz daleke prošlosti, koje još uvek nismo dostigli ni na tehnološkom ni na duhovnom nivou, zapravo nisu naši preci, već naši potomci.